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Click here to go to the new site.Today the church remembers Ninian, Bishop in Galloway, c. 430.
Ninian, the son of a British chieftain, was a Christian. He was educated in Rome and was a friend of Martin of Tours. He resolved to convert the fierce tribes of southern Scotland to Christianity and eventually had some success in so doing. Ninian established a monastery at Whithorn called Candida Casa, “White House.” The abbey church came to be called St. Martin"s, after the friend of Ninian. The monastery at Whithorn became a center for missionary and charitable activities throughout that portion of southern Scotland commonly called Galloway. Otherwise, we know practically nothing of Ninian. This is as much due to his success and popularity as to anything else, for the story of his life has been so glossed over and glorified by later admirers that it is impossible to separate fact from fancy. The student of history is confronted with a barrage of fascinating legends, some preposterous, some perhaps embellished truth, all praising the beloved apostle of Galloway. O God, you have caused the light of the Gospel to shine in the land of Britain through your servant Ninian: Grant, we beseech you, that having his life and labors in remembrance, we may show forth our thankfulness unto you for the same by following the example of his zeal and patience; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.Read the Wikipedia article here.
O God, by the preaching of your blessed servant and bishop Ninian you caused the light of the Gospel to shine in the land of Britain: Grant, we pray, that having his life and labors in remembrance we may show our thankfulness by following the example of his zeal and patience; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.